venerdì, gennaio 18, 2008

ueee! facimmoce riconosce'!!!!!!

...True, but practically all the Italians I know are expressing a growing sense of frustration at the inability of this country's politicians to resolve even a relatively simple problem such as garbage disposal.
Weak politics The much-welcomed implosion of the political system which had run Italy from the end of World War II until 1992 - when the formerly powerful Christian Democrat and Socialist parties were swept away in a tsunami of scandal, and television magnate Silvio Berlusconi arrived on the political scene - has not led to a new golden age.
Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi
Romano Prodi has failed to solve the Naples rubbish crisis
Mr Berlusconi failed to fulfil his promises. And now under Prime Minister Romano Prodi the country has slipped back into its bad old ways.

Politics is weak and discredited in the eyes of most Italians, because it is apparently incapable of rigorously pursuing useful general goals.

And this weakness only increases the temptation for politicians to occupy all the available command posts in society.


Familiar faces of the formerly discredited left now suddenly turn up again with new political labels, propelled by new right-wing parties.

There is a word for it in Italian. It is called 'trasformismo', recycling yourself and changing your political label while hanging on to power.

This form of recycling has been the bane of Italian politics ever since the country was united back in 1861 and it looks as if it has turned into a permanent feature of Italian society.

They cannot recycle the rubbish, but they certainly know how to recycle themselves.

no go paroe.

2 commenti:

Giacomo Brunoro ha detto...

E questa è solo la punta dell'iceberg, perfino Al Jazeera ci sta prendendo per il culo. Forse è la volta buona che ci rendiamo conto di essere un paese del Secondo Mondo (nel senso che una parte dell'Italia è nel Primo Mondo e un'altra nel Terzo Mondo...)

Anonimo ha detto...

stasera ascoltando il telegiornale mi sembravano davvero tutti matti... non capivo se era il tg1 o l'ultima puntata di zelig. sarebbero situazioni comiche se non fossero veramente tragiche.